Wednesday, October 17, 2007

influenced huck

mrhughesenglishThe Biggest Influenced The widow Douglas is one of the most positive influences there is so far for what we have read about she tries to get hock in shape to keep him clean and out of the trouble he was getting in with tom I had stopped cussing because the widow didn’t like it but now I took it up again because pap hadn’t no objections. (Chapter 6, Page 18, Paragraph 3) I Tom sawyer is another influence on hock good one because he influence hock to not back down from anything just like tom said in (chapter 12, page 51 and paragraph 3 tom won’t back down know so I won’t either). Huck is influence by pap but in the worst way there is in hock life he hits him because he goes to school and can read just because he can’t read or write he hits hock and takes to him to a cabin and leaves him there all day everyday so he can’t go to school any more and learn and he said he did not won't to go to school but he goes know to make his dad mad. chapter6, page 17, pariah 1 Jim is a really good influence to hock because he is hard mined type of person and he tries to keep him out of the trouble that tom was getting him into like at the house Jim said chapter 11, page 40 paragraph 3 that handling snake skin is very bad luck

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